Term 3 Classes Begin!

Classes for Term 3 begin today!

Junior School classes start today. It's not too late to enrol your children! We have classes from 4 years and up! Enrol online via our webpage, or enrol in class.

Time: 2pm-4pm (class times depend on child's age)

Place: St Richard's Parish Hall, corner of Henley Beach Road and May Terrace, Lockleys.


Senior School classes start Tuesday 30th July.  

Time: 7:15pm

Place: St Richard's Parish Hall, corner of Henley Beach Road and May Terrace, Lockleys.


Both Senior School and Junior School classes encompass a wide range of traditional dances from Greece and the Diaspora as well as a focus on modern and laika dances.  

Enrol online today! Contact us with any queries and we will be happy to help!